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What is love? What's love got to do with it? 


Many waters cannot quench love; therefore, I will pontificate about the love of God and how it informs our lives. In that order.

The love of God never Fails. God is Love. Greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for another. The love of God has been made known to humanity through the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus, who himself is God, laid down his life for those who would believe in him. On the third day He rose again. So, the highest form of love is sacrifice. To reciprocate God's love for us we give up our sin and take up our cross and follow Jesus. We sacrifice living for ourselves and follow Jesus instead.

The Bible says that The Lord rebukes those he loves. God wants us to be all that he has made us to be, and He wants us to flourish in the land of the living. A rebuke may come directly through divine impression. Alternatively, a man or woman of God may rebuke you. People rebuke others all the time, it important to note that biblical rebukes will come from trusted brethren. So, God's love is revealed though His people to the church and to the lost.


Without love all that we do is like a clashing symbol. Everything that we do must be out of love. The reason that I preach repentance is because I love my neighbour. I long for them to be saved from the pit of destruction and from despair.


We are not called to take up a sword physically but rather take up our sword which is the word of God. It is the truth that offends. It is the truth that sets us free. We share the truth out of the love of God which has been poured out into our hearts by Holy Spirit. Therefore, it may be that our stand in truth that results in persecution. We are willing to go to these lengths out of love.

Love isn’t a Disney film. Love is sacrifice. Love is Faithful.

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