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In this section of the website I will look to detail Biblical qualities and attributes of a Christ centred life. I have made youtube videos about these topics, but what I want to do here, is to clearly set out these views in writing. Fruit is a sign of the covenant relationship between God and man. The Promises of God have been sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross of calvary. Those that believe have been born from above will know abundance of life and will produce fruit that will last. 


First and foremost, my source of understanding is The Bible. I also believe The Holy Spirit teaches us all things. As long as one is studying the scriptures and is abiding in Christ then we are able to understand the things of God. When the Holy Spirit comes and makes His dwelling in you then we become a new creation. We are born of imperishable seed, like our Lord and Saviour, we will not know decay. One day we will be raised up with Jesus into glory.

In this life, which is fleeting, we can know regeneration life enter our soul. We can be born of imperishable seed, the seed of Christ. There are many benefits to having the Holy Spirit dwell in us.


Also, the call of Jesus it is the highest calling that the world affords. It requires the complete denial of self. We have to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Following Jesus will mean that we will suffer persecution for His names sake. But, we can rejoice in our sufferings because suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through The Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Never have I been more full of joy when being persecuted for Jesus' name sake. The scriptures come alive and one starts to appreciate their meaning at a much greater depth. God's word has absolute authority over our broken selves and teaches us many exquisite truths that bring us into fullness of life. I hope you enjoy this section of the website, but be warned, the deeper you go into the realms of glory the more you will be set apart from this world.

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